Again, here we are and I find myself trying to write a short story - not my forte. Once again, who cares coz I’m going to write one anyway. God knows it’s hard enough to write a blog. Apparently so does Willis Raburu. So here we go.
I am poor at relationships. I’m sure that's no surprise to anyone who was foolish enough to fall for my silly lines. It’s not so much that I don't believe in Love than that I just don't see the point.
If I was to be mean to myself, I'd have titled this piece “One jackass and a few gullible women”. But I rather like myself so this then is me being optimistic about some emotion called love and hoping I can hack it.
Ok, where to start? Oh yes, last year (or was it two years ago?). I meet this rather hot miss, and by hot I mean I was totally taken by her. Let’s not do descriptions; would not want people figuring out who she is. So “a rather hot miss” will have to do. She was the last person I thought I'd ever date but then the heart is a funny organ and God is a mysterious fellow.
There I was then - pretty gal, very innocent at the time, but brilliantly self-conscious. She knew what she wanted and at the time that was not me. A few lines and some charms later, suddenly I was that guy. All was well and to my surprise I flourished in a relationship. For a minute there I thought “this is it” and settled into dating and what not. 1 month… 2, 3, 4… “This is amazing. I’m actually in a relationship and actually loving it”. 7 months… 8, 9, 10, 11… one year. Surely this is it and actually getting the hang of it.
Then again, like I said… I’m not particularly good at relationships. Mostly coz I’m bad at the first part of the word - hang on, I’m good at “relations” but bad at “relating”. Yes. that's about right...
So one year later - which felt like 100 years (don't judge me - my longest relationship before that was 3 months and only because it was long distance. P.s. “long distance” here refers to someone who lives 20-50 km away) - so one year later, failure to relate led to a break up. I really did love that rather hot miss, so much so that I spent the next 4 months trying to get her back.
Apparently, old charms do not work twice. Which brings me to my new mantra: People change; often it’s the inability of others to notice the change in them. Second chances are hard to give, easy to take and even easier to mess up. Walking away is then the difference between keeping your head in the clouds and preparing yourself for the next best thing...
So. Rather recently I've run into a rather hotter miss (by which I mean she's extremely hot). Though no terms have been defined or set out, I think that since I have changed and can now relate, it’s time for new beginnings.


  1. He he he he ....Still waiting for that official introduction! *Glass clinks* to new beginnings...


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