
Beyond Depression Musings from 2017

Its occurred to me quite recently actually more like been pointed out to me that am not the easiest person to be around or get close to.  Some introspection has led me to the same conclusion. From friendships to relationships including at family level. Its as though I am two different people, in a moment I can move from the life of the party to some guy seating in the corner or in the car just waiting for the occasion to come to an end. Socially this may mean being very pleasant to be around and then totally disappearing and conveniently reappearing. Most times it means always making plans to meet up at an undisclosed date that never comes. As my friend put it, some form of dissociative behavior or friendship by proxy.  In more ways than one, this is true when you've been to the dark places of self isolation, you became two different people, one very public and pleasant person (conjured from other people's expectations or sometimes who you use to be) and another very ...

Beyond Depression Musings from 2016

Musing 1: We look like you and depression looks like me The other day someone casually said something because they assumed they were in the presence of 'normal' people. It was not just what she said but the way she said it all judgemental like with a touch of disdain (Paraphrase) ' that there are plans to send people to Mars, you know who I think should go there first, all this depressed and suicidal people. They can just leave earth they don't want to be here anyway...'  As she looked around for concurrence I asked her whether I should go to Mars I mean I've been depressed. At that moment her bubble burst and suddenly her 'normal' brain could not understand how and why someone like me could suffer depression. She then demanded an explanation on how depression feels like, I informed her that its not something you can explain it's something you have to experience to understand and told her that I pray she never gets the opportunity to u...

Make like an ostrich

There're times to make like an ostrich and bury your head in the sands of life Yes, make like an ostrich indulge yourself in life's pleasures  Ignorant of danger because burying your head in pleasure makes sense  There're times to make like an ostrich and raise your head above the sands of life  Yes, make like an ostrich and raise your head in pride above your troubles and those that trouble you Defiant of all else including the sands of time,  for now, it makes sense to have your head above ground in your own graceful moments.  Yet still there are times to make like an ostrich in fright take flight from the troubles of life in great heist Yes, make like an ostrich and act in self preservation, run for your life Leave your troubles behind for though they hunt and haunt you they can never match your speed nor keep pace with your rapid acceleration in sheer determination to out run them But there also times to make like a...


We use to long for a human connection, but now we seek a  WiFi connection. There was a time guest reveled in albums asking after others, Today they only ask for your WiFi password so they can check you out online Trading-in personal sentiment and comment for Social media , T o follow and be followed. Yes connection, we have the Technology for that. We longed for the human touch, but now we have touch screens with haptic feedback. Yes we have the technology for that. We use to long for each other’s voices and conversation, but now we learn new languages online so we can chat with strangers online. We talk to Siri and Alexa and they talk back.  I guess we have the technology for that too... We use to long for a cuddle on cold nights now we switch on our electronic garments.  Yes we have the technology for that too... We have transcended into online persons Our presence delegated  and condemned into loneliness and self-iso...

Created not Made...

So I once was deep and wrote a piece called Created not Made... There we stand wounded, injured, disfigured, impaired and defaced in the hands of man. We have delivered ourselves into the mercies of public opinion and dependence on their approval so much so that it has taken our sprit, our esteem and our value so that even in our own eyes we have disfigured our own image and attached our value to others. We have forgotten the template from which we are moulded the very Image of God in Us. 'Fearfully and Wonderfully made' that's not just what we are, it is who we are and nothing of man or of this earth can deface it. For what is of man is made and what is of this world was spoken out of God's mouth. He 'let there be' but you and me He created. That which is created cannot be devalued by that which He let there be, nor that which is made by man or for man, nor can we who are created be devalued by that which is spoken out of man's mouth. So whatever y...


It's bedtime  I kill them lights and jump onto my 6 by 5 Take my 6 by 2 and stare into the dark 6 by 3 Stretch out into that lonely 6 by 3 where you should be Search my thoughts think of that space you wanted and I gave It's that space beyond that 6 by 3 measure I drift off into sleep Dream of you of us filling this 6 by 5 give or take those 6 by 1 fights Am up by 4 Toss and turn wondering into your 6 by 3 Am out of bed by 5 I stretch my back Push up them 10 by 3 sets Crunch them 10 by 2 sets Situp them 10 by 3 sets Jump into the shower and wash them guns Its 603 and brew that 2 cup coffee Set the kitchen table its meant for 2 Sip down that black coffee its strong like you Suit up and think of you Out the door and onto that traffic I pull out my phone and get anti social on your page Should I like that post or react to that pic You come online on my 6 inch TFT  You're just a text away but a mindset too far Clients on phone by 7 Am sucked into ...


Am drawn to you It's beyond magnetism  It's that gravitational pull that draws the planets to the stars It's our lives in axis It's the gravitational pull of moons to planets It's that celestial pull that causes tidal waves It's the mirrored effect that lights up the night time sky Am that comet levitating through time and space You're that eternally celestial body drawing me into obit pulling me off course But am an unstoppable force drawn to an immovable object We are an unknown eventuality We are what happens when an immovable object meets an unstoppable force It's the Irresistible Force Parodox postulated through life's never ending irony