We use to long for a human connection,
but now we seek a  WiFi connection.
There was a time guest reveled in albums asking after others,
Today they only ask for your WiFi password so they can check you out online
Trading-in personal sentiment and comment for Social media,
To follow and be followed.

Yes connection, we have the Technology for that.

We longed for the human touch,
but now we have touch screens with haptic feedback.
Yes we have the technology for that.

We use to long for each other’s voices and conversation,
but now we learn new languages online so we can chat with strangers online.
We talk to Siri and Alexa and they talk back.
 I guess we have the technology for that too...

We use to long for a cuddle on cold nights
now we switch on our electronic garments.
 Yes we have the technology for that too...
We have transcended into online persons
Our presence delegated  and condemned into loneliness and self-isolation
But am ok and well-adjusted to being alone,
to bear my own silence even in the loudest of crowds.
For I was alone before we had the technology for it.

It's ok to be lonely by one's self...
Are islands not the definition of isolation,
yet are they not surrounded by seas and oceans.
 Don't oceans and seas gesture to islands with their winds,
don't oceans and seas seek the touch of land with their calm waves.
Don't they rage at land for ignoring them with their violent storms and crashing waves.

Yet islands remain isolated and alone
 despite the abundance of life in the seas,
despite the treasures the oceans offer when they wash up their waves...
Doesn't the island's sandy beach wash into the seas...

I like the island am content to be alone in low tides
when the seas and oceans retreat unto themselves.
But unlike the island I refusee to be alone when the tide comes in.
 I refuse to be lonely in a relationship.
 I chose to play tag with the waves
To take in all the treasures of the sea as they wash up on shore.
 And though we may argue and fight like the raging storms we shall soon be calm.

So stay thee away from me all who have  the technology for that.
Leave me be alone and lonely in my thoughts
for I will not trade my peace for fleeting moments of joy,
I prefer happiness.

Let me be all that would rather connect online and call voices far away.
 Let me be all that would rather touch the screen than feel my touch.
Let me be all that would keep warm rather than seek my embrace.
Let me be that I may be happy on my own. 


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