Make like an ostrich

There're times to make like an ostrich and bury your head in the sands of life
Yes, make like an ostrich indulge yourself in life's pleasures 
Ignorant of danger because burying your head in pleasure makes sense 

There're times to make like an ostrich and raise your head above the sands of life 
Yes, make like an ostrich and raise your head in pride above your troubles and those that trouble you
Defiant of all else including the sands of time, 
for now, it makes sense to have your head above ground in your own graceful moments. 

Yet still there are times to make like an ostrich in fright take flight from the troubles of life in great heist
Yes, make like an ostrich and act in self preservation, run for your life
Leave your troubles behind for though they hunt and haunt you they can never match your speed nor keep pace with your rapid acceleration in sheer determination to out run them

But there also times to make like an ostrich and stand you ground against those seeking to destroy your nest
Yes, make like an ostrich and preserve not yourself but the future of those you care for
Spread your wings in an imposing blockade 
Show your might for though you maybe willing to flee for your life, when cornered you are danger incarnate 
Make like an ostrich and arch your neck ready not to defend but take the offensive for you will not let them lay to waste and turn your achievements into spoils 

Make like an ostrich conquer the sands of life for time is but an illusion 
Make like an ostrich and in grace reach for the sky
Make like an ostrich flee from it all
Make like an ostrich fight for it all 


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