We use to long for a human connection, but now we seek a WiFi connection. There was a time guest reveled in albums asking after others, Today they only ask for your WiFi password so they can check you out online Trading-in personal sentiment and comment for Social media , T o follow and be followed. Yes connection, we have the Technology for that. We longed for the human touch, but now we have touch screens with haptic feedback. Yes we have the technology for that. We use to long for each other’s voices and conversation, but now we learn new languages online so we can chat with strangers online. We talk to Siri and Alexa and they talk back. I guess we have the technology for that too... We use to long for a cuddle on cold nights now we switch on our electronic garments. Yes we have the technology for that too... We have transcended into online persons Our presence delegated and condemned into loneliness and self-iso...