Triumph card
About a month ago I had the singular honor of meeting the most romantic hitherto remain unnamed couple. There is nothing really special about their story they are just ordinary people, a Jack and Jill of their time. If you see them holding hands on the street they are John and Jane Doe they can pass for anyone, they are anyone, they are you and me.
Jack and Jill met three years ago Jack was 35 Jill was 32, they were too old to be single at least for their generation. You see all their friends were and still are married with children enrolled in primary school hell some have kids in secondary school. They like me are late bloomers…
Jack and Jill did not even notice each other, Jack was too particular about who he wants to marry, the proverbial miss perfect. Now Jill on the other hand had only one criterion Rich and successful but would settle for young and upwardly mobile.
Jack and Jill tied the knot two months ago in a small church in a no name town too small for most of you to even pin on the map. All they had was 8 people and their parents. You should see the pictures it was just one step above the going to the Ag’s office simple but beautiful.
For all Jill’s dreams of marrying rich it was ironic in the end, no dowry was paid, as it so happens her father and mother were so happy she was getting married they told jack to make a down payment on a house instead.
Back to their boy meets girl phase (which for them was actually more like Man meets Woman) it was not as romantic as Jill had hoped and Jill was not as perfect as Jack sought.
Jack laughed when I pulled out my phone to answer text from my current flame; he saw the childish smile on my face he grabbed my phone before I could exit the message. He saw her picture saved on my address book in her red dress with a smile that light up my face in a warmth that fells more like the first ray of the dawning sun. In the picture she was trying out pearls I had just bought her (they did look rather lovely on her neck and the glow as she wore the bracelet) Just thinking about it makes me… (Needless to say I have change the picture already so don’t get any funny ideas of going through my contacts)
Back to Jack who was holding my phone… He looked at me and asked, ‘is this the lucky lady’
I smiled and said ‘I should only hope I would be so lucky, I am the lucky one that she even looks at me’
They both bust out laughing…
Jill looked up and said ‘you silly boy, you are going to let that one get away too’
Not catching her drift I looked at her rather aloof…
At this point Jack looked at me and said.
‘Call me in two months time, you will still have that look on your face every time you see her but your luck will have run out, see I was just like you stupid’
At this point I was feeling rather insulted and got to asking myself how I always end up talking to newly weds who I have only known for 2 hours. See I meet this two at the airport they had just come back from their honeymoon, Zanzibar or somewhere… so much time to kill at airports add some overly friendliness and there I was listening to a love story that was turning out to be a you and your generation lecture…
Jill then asked how old I was, I told (not telling you lot though)
She looked up again, see the problem with your generation which is a remnant of our generation is you are too materialistic, the boys want to wait till they have enough money, a car, a house and maybe their own business a sought of financial secure notion. Not entirely your fault the girls you are after all those things, they have jobs are financially independent so if you cannot match the lifestyle you are out. But I still think the problem is you boys, all yellow and afraid to take risks, you would not know how to charm a girl without having to spend a dime. You think money is everything; no romantic bone in your body and you cannot even treat a girl well. You take them out to night clubs and try to get them high because you think its fun, well I’ll tell you something us girls know how to keep you ‘get a girl drunk types’ out of out panties.
At this point I just wished KQ would call our flight early (ego bruises and all)
And she went on and on and on… but then again I was one of those girls I should know, I loved my fun, enjoyed spending their money all along waiting for prince charming here (looking at Jack) to come along. And he sure took his time. I wanted a rich guy, not that Jack here is poor, but at the time his kind of money just could not cut it and not that I did not enjoy spending it. Look you kids think its fun, I see the girls around you run around in their flashy cars some bought by their parent others by their boyfriend or sugar daddy and the lucky ones from their own success and I feel sorry for them. They are waiting for a guy who does not exist and you boys are too chicken to bust their bubble…
(At this point I was ready to serve up my manhood to her on a silver platter)
All this time Jack just kept his smile.
Jill went on… one day I woke up and there were no more weddings to go to everyone is married, everyone is happy, everyone is doing so well am the one who cannot relate, all through the Diapers stage, boogers, first day of school, PTAs, they were talking boarding schools now and I just dropped out of the conversation… then I realized this women are talking big schools, I dated some of the guys they married and none of them was up to standard but now suddenly they are up to standard… it puzzled me till I realized all those men had potential, all this married women have built something with their spouses. Built each other up… then I met Jack and he was not a coward like you or at least he had manned up enough to take the risk, it took him two years to ask me out, one year later here we are at and airport talking to you… man up little boy
(Again my ego)
Jack looked at me kissed his Jill and said…
That girl in the picture, she’s going to leave you because you are not man enough, you know what you want but you are afraid to push for it. And from the looks of it and from your text messages she loves to have fun, you my friend are boring and gutless, she may find you amusing at the moment but trust me you are a scared little boy and she will walk away so fast your head will spin.
Then KQ’s announcement Came (I almost stood up) ‘Ladies and Gentlemen we are experiencing a slight delay kindly bare with us’
I rolled my eyes did not think my fragile ego could take any more…
Jack went on… I was just like you once, a boy thinking am a man. Just take a chance, too bad that by the time the internal conflict from what we just told you is resolved that pretty girl that gives you that boyish glow in your eye will be long gone, but either way their will be a next one and when that one comes you can be a boy playing with toys or you can be a man about it and take the risk. Jill and I could have been married five years, even ten years ago we flew the same circles, had the same friends but ignored each other… oh well I have her now what is a decade when forever awaits…
At this point KQ finally came through ‘Ladies and Gentlemen KQ flight (something, something) to Nairobi is now boarding on Gate… Premier world…’ (Music to my ears, I could have kissed that flight attendant/ announcer just then)
‘I think that is us’ Jack said. ‘Here is my card, in case you want me to impart some more wisdom on you little boy’
(Yah as if I would call and you or your wife after the ego bruise you left me)
Jill looked at me as she stood up ‘maybe is should introduce you to one of the young ladies at our office, there are some cute ones, though I’d hope you know to look beyond looks… so call me after you get through the heartbreak from that oh so lovely girl’
Jack laughed ‘later Mr. I should be so lucky… shall we my dear’
Now here is the kicker sure enough I have not heard from my Dawning ray of sunlight and know what the triumph card is I had Lunch with Jack and Jill last week and Jill is right there are some cute girls in her office. Sadly none of them is wearing pearls and none of them has evoked that dawning ray of warmth…
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