Have you ever wondered if anyone ever listens to you?
Can you hear my voice.
Are you listening.
If i was that proverbial tree in the forest and i fell would i make a sound?
More importantly would anyone be there to hear it?
Wen i speak does my voice echo, wen i walk do i leave a footprint?
If the light in me dimmed to a spark would anyone see it, if my dim spark faded out would anyone try to rekindle it?
Do i matter?
Wats the point of living...
wouldn't be easier to stop breathin, jump infront of that speeding vehicle, jump off that tall buildin, slash that sharp knife across the jargular...
Do i exist should i exist?
Has my light dimmed to a spark, should i let my spark fade to darkness?
Does my voice echo thro or should i silence it?
I either Echo through the silence or the silence Echo's through me?
Where is my Echo...
Can you hear my voice.
Are you listening.
If i was that proverbial tree in the forest and i fell would i make a sound?
More importantly would anyone be there to hear it?
Wen i speak does my voice echo, wen i walk do i leave a footprint?
If the light in me dimmed to a spark would anyone see it, if my dim spark faded out would anyone try to rekindle it?
Do i matter?
Wats the point of living...
wouldn't be easier to stop breathin, jump infront of that speeding vehicle, jump off that tall buildin, slash that sharp knife across the jargular...
Do i exist should i exist?
Has my light dimmed to a spark, should i let my spark fade to darkness?
Does my voice echo thro or should i silence it?
I either Echo through the silence or the silence Echo's through me?
Where is my Echo...
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